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Oriented Targeting Solutions

Unleashing the Power of Oriented Structural Data

Oriented Targeting Solutions Services

Real time structural modelling with quality structural data

Our mission is ensuring our clients recover maximum value from modern oriented core drilling hardware and software. Whether you’re an exploration manager or solving geotechnical challenges, Oriented Targeting Solutions (OTS) brings immediate value and innovation to your project through implementation of a best-practices workflow for the entire core orientation process; from quality control/assurance, to structural data capture, analysis and modelling. Our methods are the industry cutting-edge, and the results have generated breakthroughs in geologic understanding for every client we've worked with.

Oriented Core Training

OTS has worked with over 140 groups globally since 2016, and we are dedicated to enriching your project with all of the innovations we've learned along the way. We train clients both on and off site to implement a proven best-practices oriented core workflow that enables maximum value recovery from the core drilling investment. The OTS  oriented core quality assurance/quality control (QAQC) system has been adapted by multiple exploration, engineering and mining companies all over the world due to its effectiveness at ensuring validated structural data forms the basis for geologic modelling and interpretation.

Our training covers:  (but is not limited to)

  • Orientation quality control practices for all types of rock conditions

  • Core orientation best-practices and error mitigation for drillers

  • Quality assurance for  structural data using the OTS QAQC system

  • Geologist/tech error mitigation and correction

  • Structural logging strategy; customized for deposit type and geotech/exploration objectives

  • Structural data capture (manual methods and Reflex IQ Logger)

  • Structural database management: classification, query-able database development

  • Stereonet plotting and interpretation (e.g. ioGAS, Leapfrog)

  • Structural data interrogation concepts and constrained 3D model development

Oriented core structural logging training

Structural Data Management, Post-Processing and Analysis

Whether you have oriented structural data from a past drill program or data from a current drill campaign, we specialize in oriented structural data post-processing, plotting, analysis, 3D modelling and reporting.


Reporting covers the following:

  • Core orientation statistics, QAQC, error analysis/correction

  • Structural data join with interval-based data, e.g. lithology, alteration, geochemistry, QA data, RQD, etc.

  • Data query development, interrogation and stereonet plotting

  • Identification of structural relationships/trends

  • Cross sections/plan views/3D models of oriented geologic structures

  • 3D integration and model development

  • Report summary with figures, plots and recommendations

  • Project deliverables; 3D workspace, database, queries, stereonets, etc.


Project Consultation

Need help planning or executing your next oriented core project? We have solutions that cover the entire workflow and will fast-track your project to success. If you're targeting structural controls on mineralization as an exploration geologist or characterizing rock mass strength for engineering, we'll design the program to ensure a successful outcome. We provide on-site training anywhere in the world and conduct off-site data processing/analysis from our offices in Reno, Nevada.

Core orientation mark

Contact Us

3983 S. McCarran Blvd. 185
Reno, NV 89502


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